tsmethods 1.0.1
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.
- Removed Changelog.
- Fixed the as.Date error in the tests for the oldrel version checks.
tsmethods 1.0.0
tsmethods 0.3.2
- Added additional methods of halflife, unconditional and pit for use with tsgarch and tsarma.
tsmethods 0.3.1
- Converted documentation to Roxygen and performed some clean up.
tsmethods 0.3.0
- Added a tsmoments method
- Bumped the version to 0.3.0 to be consistent with major changes in other packages with the same version.
tsmethods 0.1.8
- Added a tscalibrate method
tsmethods 0.1.7
- Added additional estimate_ad method for new plugin packages which use automatic differentiation.
- Fix to tsgrowth documentation
tsmethods 0.1.6
- Fix to prediction plots to allow missing values in observed series (ylim fixed for na.rm)
tsmethods 0.1.5
- Fix to tsreport method (previously dispatched to report rather than tsreport).
- Added Changelog to package