scoringutils 1.2.2

Package updates

Bug fixes

scoringutils 1.2.1

Package updates

scoringutils 1.2.0

This major release contains a range of new features and bug fixes that have been introduced in minor releases since 1.1.0. The most important changes are:

Thanks to @nikosbosse, @seabbs, and @sbfnk for code and review contributions. Thanks to @bisaloo for the suggestion to use a linting GitHub Action that only triggers on changes, and @adrian-lison for the suggestion to add a warning to interval_score() if the interval range is between 0 and 1.

Package updates

example_quantile |> 
  set_forecast_unit(c("model", "location", "forecast_date", "horizon", "target_type")) |> 
  check_forecasts() |> 

Documentation for the transform_forecasts() has also been extended. This functions allows the user to easily add transformations of forecasts, as suggested in the paper “Scoring epidemiological forecasts on transformed scales”. In an epidemiological context, for example, it may make sense to apply the natural logarithm first before scoring forecasts, in order to obtain scores that reflect how well models are able to predict exponential growth rates, rather than absolute values. Users can now do something like the following to score a transformed version of the data in addition to the original one:

data <- example_quantile[true_value > 0, ]
data |>
  transform_forecasts(fun = log_shift, offset = 1) |> 
  score() |> 
  summarise_scores(by = c("model", "scale"))

Here we use the log_shift() function to apply a logarithmic transformation to the forecasts. This function was introduced in scoringutils 1.1.2 as a helper function that acts just like log(), but has an additional argument offset that can add a number to every prediction and observed value before applying the log transformation.

Feature updates

scoringutils 1.1.7

Release by @seabbs in #305. Reviewed by @nikosbosse and @sbfnk.

Breaking changes

Package updates

Bug fixes

scoringutils 1.1.6

Feature updates

scoringutils 1.1.5

Feature updates

scoringutils 1.1.4

Package updates

scoringutils 1.1.3

Package updates

Package updates

scoringutils 1.1.2

Feature updates

scoringutils 1.1.1

scoringutils 1.1.0

A minor update to the package with some bug fixes and minor changes.

Feature updates

Package updates

Bug fixes

scoringutils 1.0.0

Major update to the package and most package functions with lots of breaking changes.

Feature updates

New functions and function changes

Bug fixes

Package data updated

Other breaking changes

scoringutils 0.1.8

Feature updates


Package updates

scoringutils 0.1.7

Feature updates

Package updates

scoringutils 0.1.

Feature updates

Package updates

scoringutils 0.1.5

Package updates

scoringutils 0.1.4

Feature updates

package updates

scoringutils 0.1.3

(Potentially) Breaking changes

Feature updates

scoringutils 0.1.2

(Potentially) Breaking changes

Feature updates

Package updates

scoringutils 0.1.1

Feature updates

Package updates